I really am appreciative that 2005 has rolled around, I was pretty sick of 2004. Probably from overhearing the term '2004' due to the krazappy elections and whatever else happened last year. It's kind've an odd thought to think that a random day in the space continuum will somehow allow for a fresh start, and usually I don't like odd numbers, but still I'm happy for 2005.
Even if it's 20° outside.
One suprising turn of events is that Kelly got me a subscription to Bust Mag and I'm completely loving it. Not that I had any real idea what it was like, but for one thing, I don't really have a bust, so I wasn't sure of its applicability. Also, I wasn't sure how grrrly it would be, but it has turned out to be the Cosmo for chicks who hate Cosmo but have a secret level of fuzziness inside as well as an extreme dose of common sense and some grit.
Since this country seems to be sliding into a soma-induced coma about women's rights, global dimming, and the destruction of U.S. foreign relations, I feel a mounting tension between wanting to rebel against everything and embrace traditions, go back to what's embedded in my Jungian bones.
If we must watch the slow decay of this country and the freedom it was built upon - at least I can speak out, register my level of dissatisfaction with this narrow-minded climate - and still be proud of learning how to stitch. (:
So 2005 may be the year of going underground, hunkering down to wait it out and meantime, breathing some good creative karma into the air.
Posted by zippy at January 18, 2005 9:13 PM