January 13, 2004

Alexandria Weirdness

So I'm driving down the crowded but attractive Washington St. towards work this a.m., looking at the cute storefronts and still spaced out from waking up, and I come to the stoplight next to my CVS. I look over and see the guy walking his three extremely fluffy samoyeds; I don't know him but I've seen him with the dogs enough.

All of a sudden I see him let go of their leash and start running like he's being chased by the law - his face is a picture of shock and I can feel his adrenaline radiating across the street. I think, why would he just let go of the dogs like that? Then I spot a man in front of him, running fast but without the same maniacal gait - and I look back to the front of the CVS and see a teenage girl with her mom, with a shocked blank look on her face and about to cry. The light turns green and her mom dodges in front of our line of oncoming cars over to the bakery, I assume to call the police.

As I drive on, I keep looking down the streets to see if the men are still running but I don't see anything else.

I just keep hoping that the samoyed guy is ok, and I wonder what he's done to the criminal, if he actually caught up and grabbed him.

Posted by zippy at January 13, 2004 2:16 PM